Hungarian Association for Comparative Law
The Hungarian Asssociaton for Comparative Law was founded in 2020, offering academic activities and research. In carrying out its activities, the Association's members participate in and give presentations at academic and professional conferences and other events. The Association itself organises scientific and professional conferences of public interest.
Scientific Association for Comparative Law, Poland
The Scientific Society of Legal Comparatistics is a voluntary, self-governing, permanent association of scholars concerned with the study of law, with a particular focus on the Central European region, from a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective.
The association is motivated by the idea of cooperation between researchers and various universities and scientific units at home and abroad. It is also a place for the exchange of views - an initiative that has brought many people together across differences.

Romanian Association for Comparative Law
The Romanian Association for Comparative Law is a Romanian registered legal entity established in 2020 for the purpose of bringing together researchers and university faculty members active in the field of comparative law. The members of the association conduct research in this field, which the association aims to aid by concentrating the necessary human and material resources to further the objectives of legal comparison in general, and the development of Romanian private law in particular.
Association for the Advancement of Comparative Law Researches in Serbia
​The Association for the Advancement of Comparative Law Research in Serbia, established in 2020, is a non-governmental and non-profit organization committed to advancing scientific research and promoting international academic collaboration in the realm of comparative law. The Association’s key objectives include promoting and fortifying research excellence in comparative law, improving the analysis of legal systems and practices, fostering the dissemination of research findings through publications and conferences, and facilitating extensive scientific cooperation, with a particular emphasis on strengthening academic ties within Central European countries.

Institute for Public Administration in Croatia
Institute of Public Administration is a citizens' association founded in 1997 with the purpose of promotion and improvement of public administration in Croatia as well as for creating prerequisites for development of modern administration and for contribution to development of economy and other parts of community life. In course of performing its activities, Institute is dedicated to enhance the effectiveness of public administration and to pursue more consistency in operationalizing the rule of law. It also promotes scientific and professional training of employees in central state administration, units of local and regional self-government, public institutions and other legal persons with public authorities and it generally tends to bring effect to the improvement of administrative profession and science.